White Silk Fabric

Owned by Coe Unlimited Enterprise, LLC

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We are currently making some

improvements to our website.

In the meantime

visit our Instagram page for details

about our first product launch!

White Silk Fabric

Meet the CEO

Meet Nicole Rose, a trailblazing first-generation Latina Americana hailing from the vibrant city of San Jose, CA. Although her name may not sound like it, she proudly embraces her cultural roots and the values that come with it.

For over a decade and a half, Nicole devoted her energy and determination to support her family by ascending the corporate ladder in the world of retail banking. Her relentless pursuit of success led her to achieve great heights in the corporate leadership landscape, where she left an indelible mark through her dedication and expertise.

However, as the years passed, Nicole began to feel the weight of the traditional 9-5 routine, realizing that she was sacrificing valuable time that could be spent with her loved ones. Fueled by a desire for more work/life balance, she embarked on a journey to own her time.

Now, Nicole has finally taken the leap to embrace a more fulfilling path, she moved away from the Bay Area and has settled into the beautiful Pacific Northwest state of Washington. She has embraced the roles of a loving wife and devoted mother, cherishing every moment with her family without compromising her dreams and aspirations.

Embracing her entrepreneurial spirit, Nicole decided to channel her passion and talents into creating something remarkable. With immense dedication, she poured her heart and soul into her first product launch, an endeavor she had dreamed of for years. Her determination, combined with the unwavering support of her loved ones and community, brought her vision to life.

As Nicole takes her first steps into the world of entrepreneurship, she remains grateful for the encouragement and backing she has received. Her sincere appreciation for the support from her community and customers shines through in every endeavor she undertakes.

As she embarks on this exciting new chapter, she invites you to join her on this journey of growth, discovery, and endless possibilities. Your support means the world to her, and she is excited to share her future creations and successes with you.

Get ready to witness the rise of an empowered Latina entrepreneur as Nicole Rose continues to break barriers, uplift communities, and leave a lasting legacy with her passion, purpose, and unyielding determination.

Nicole Rose

Pacific Northwest

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